Strand Games

Published 4 years, 1 month ago

If you keep up-to-date with the video gaming industry, you probably already know about this, but I feel the need to share my joy.

When Death Stranding came out near the end of last year, I wasn't particularly interested. While I recognize the work and effort that Kojima Productions put into it, it's simply not my kinda game. Regardless, I still watched some reviews of it.

As I watched, I noticed several of the reviews refer to the game as the first in the strand genre. Being the edgy cynic that I am, my first instinct was that the concept of "strand-type games" was a meme to make fun of Death Stranding for its silly gameplay.

It only took me seven months since the game's release to realize that it wasn't a meme at all, and that Hideo Kojima, himself, actually referred to it as the first "strand game." This made my day. Please never change, Kojima.
